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Why You Still Need a Videographer for Your Videoconference

Legal Videographer Setting Up His Camera For A Deposition Meeting

As you plan your remote deposition, you’ll need to consider whether to hire a videographer for the proceeding. Many legal professionals have worked with videographers for in-person depositions. However, if the whole deposition is remote and takes place over videoconference, do you really even need a videographer? Won’t the meeting be recorded automatically?

Today, we’re answering your most pressing questions about the role of videographers in remote depositions.

Does your remote deposition program record the deposition automatically?

No! Just like we wouldn’t automatically send an in-person videographer, we also don’t presume that you want to record your deposition.

The software that we use has the capability to record your session. However, we don’t recommend trying to use it yourself. Our experienced legal videographers can ensure that your witness remains in frame, regardless of screen sharing or pinned views. Additionally, our videographers can export your feed to HD recorders to capture better quality video than the videoconferencing platforms allow.

Will the recording be synced with the transcript?

Yes! Videographers will pause and start the recording when you are off and on the record for seamless syncing with the transcript. Without this effort, sections of recording would need to be manually removed in editing after the deposition, which can be a costly process.

What can a videographer do during my remote deposition?

If you choose to schedule a First Legal Depositions videographer for your remote deposition, that person will join the deposition like any other participant. However, they will ensure that only the deponent is recorded in full screen during the proceedings. They will use their own camera to record the pinned video feed, and they will continue to record the deponent in full screen even when exhibits are shared. Your videographer will also pause recording for off-the-record discussions. Through this process, the resulting footage will contain timestamps and can be synced with your transcript more easily.

Our videographers can also serve as exhibit managers, record your exhibits for picture-in-picture video, and do the day before equipment testing with all participants. They are truly wonderful deposition guides!

Final Thoughts

At First Legal Depositions, we are proud to offer you a diverse set of virtual deposition tools, such as paperless exhibits and legal videography. If you’d like to book a remote deposition, our scheduling team will coordinate the best date and time and our technical team will assist in connecting all parties via their personal computers.

Thanks for reading! If you enjoyed this article, let us know in the comments and feel free to share it on social media. As you adapt to remote working, don’t hesitate to reach out to us with any questions. Even in these uncertain times, we’re here for you from File Thru Trial™.

If you have questions on any of our services, please don't hesitate to get in touch with us.

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