Do you file probate cases in the Los Angeles Superior court? If so, you may be interested to know the top five reasons why filings are rejected! From incorrect districts to faulty filing codes, many things can go wrong. We hope the following list can help you evaluate and improve your own filing practices to prevent unnecessary rejections!
1. Subsequent document filed as a new case filing
This is a simple mistake that anyone can make, particularly when multiple people are working on the same case. When you’re eFiling, you need to determine whether your document will be added to an existing case or begin a new one. For example, if someone at your firm has already initiated the case, you cannot file your document as a new filing because it is now a subsequent filing. The best way to avoid this is by checking for a case number on your document or in your case files. If a case number already exists, the document is a subsequent filing.
2. Case number used does not match case information
Rejection is commonly the result of small errors in the case number. Whether you’ve used the correct case number in the wrong courthouse or the wrong case number in the correct one, the correct case number is critical to your filing success.
3. Resubmit Proposed order after the hearing.
You probably already know that your proposed orders cannot be submitted before the hearing. Proposed orders can only be submitted after a ruling on a petition or motion. Filing a proposed order before a ruling or submitting a modified order after a ruling can lead to a rejection. Make sure to prepare the proposed order before the hearing so that you can ensure submission within the correct window!
4. Case cover sheet needed as a separate document
Did you know that your cover sheet cannot be submitted in the same file as the remainder of the document? For each document you expect to receive a file stamp, it’s required that you upload it as a separate PDF. Cover sheets can be submitted in the same transaction, but they get their own file stamp. When you use First Legal’s concierge service, we’ll review your formatting for you.
5. If a document is exempt from eFiling; you must submit originals conventionally
The court system changes rapidly, and it can be hard to keep track of all the documents that can be electronically filed. Unfortunately, when documents are eFiled that cannot be accepted by the court, they are automatically rejected. For example, if you’ve submitted trial and exhibit hearings or testamentary instruments, you’ll find that the filing has been rejected and you will need to physically submit the documents by mail or in person during court business hours.