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Photo of the ‘On Demand’ button of a television remote, which illustrates the ease and convenience of on-demand legal services.

Whether you’re ordering groceries from Instacart, purchasing office supplies through Amazon, or hiring a service technician through TaskRabbit – you’re enjoying the benefits of on-demand service. As consumers, most of us love immediacy, and we often try to save time by outsourcing certain tasks. Today, the introduction of on-demand legal services could bring that practice into your professional life.

In this article, we’re going to explain on-demand legal services and evaluate how they can impact your expenses and efficiency. Let’s get started!

What are on-demand legal services?

As the name suggests, on-demand legal services allow you to expand or maintain your existing services. This flexible model was created as an alternative to permanently expanding your legal team or refusing work due to lack of capacity. Unlike traditional hiring or temp services, flexible legal talent will work on-demand for both short and long-term engagements. These attorneys often work remotely from a dedicated home office, preventing any increase in overhead. Lastly, on-demand legal talent includes lawyers from diverse practice areas, which can be a cost-effective way to connect with specialists.

Will on-demand services increase my expenses?

With appropriate planning and budgeting, on-demand services can generate significant cost savings without the burden of a long-term commitment. Pricing for flexible talent can vary, but typically it will equate to a fraction of the standard hourly rate. On-demand services could lower your client costs while preserving partner and associate margins. For businesses that have recently reconfigured their budget or reduced their roster of full-time employees, this is invaluable.

Can on-demand services improve efficiency?

By their nature, on-demand services are customized to fit your needs. This flexibility is highly beneficial for firms experiencing periods of sudden growth, or those where a single practice area is being overrun with demand. For example, due to coronavirus, many law firms found that their contract lawyers were quickly overloaded.

The truth is, it’s not efficient to hire a new in-house specialist each time you are approached with work in understaffed specialty areas. Instead, you need a solution that can accommodate quick starts and stops. Flexible legal talent can meet your needs today – without locking you into a contract for tomorrow. Lastly, these services help you to maximize your current resources and protect the business you earned over the years.

Final Thoughts

Thanks for reading! We hope this article has helped you understand the unique advantages and disadvantages of flexible legal services. If you enjoyed this article, let us know on social media!

Lastly, please don’t hesitate to contact us with any questions or concerns. At First Legal, we’re here for you from File Thru Trial™!

If you have questions on any of our services, please don't hesitate to get in touch with us.

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