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How Mentorship Can Shape Your Legal Career

How Mentorship Shapes Career

Like many established fields, the legal industry maintains a strong tradition of mentorship between generations. At First Legal, we believe that mentorship can change the direction of your legal career. In fact, many professionals believe that your mentors can teach you nearly as much as law school itself! From constructive feedback to inspirational advice, mentors impart the lessons you would otherwise learn through experience.

Today, we’re going to discuss three of the primary benefits to mentorship. Whether you’re a mentor or mentee, we hope you’ll find this article enlightening and resonant!

Benefit #1 – You have an advocate

Attorneys are notoriously risk-averse and resistant to change. This means that recent graduates often need to prove themselves before they can be fully accepted by a new team. In this case, your mentor can act as your advocate. Great mentors will even strive to provide new opportunities for their mentees, essentially sponsoring their career. Mentor advocates can be particularly important for women and minorities, who often face more resistance along their occupational journey.

Benefit #2 – You have a support system

In addition to professional guidance, mentors can offer personal advice as well. For example, you may take a chance on a difficult case that returns an unsatisfying verdict. Mentors can help validate your choices and advocate for you. In some sense, their experience provides a cushion against the psychological effects of a setback. When junior attorneys feel they have the trust and support of their superiors, they are more likely to act confidently and decisively.

Benefit #3 -You have a guide

By definition, mentors have more experience than their mentees. Their seniority brings connections and new opportunities for those under their wing. An exceptional mentor has the power to guide and transform your career by imparting networking skills, professional development advice, and relationship building tips. In fact, even basic advice about appropriate attire could mean the difference between success and failure!

We hope you enjoyed this article! If you’ve had a positive experience with a professional mentor, let us know in the comments!

If you have questions on any of our services, please don't hesitate to get in touch with us.

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